29 August

I confess, I really like today's word. I've probably done a few DARING things in my life - committing to a year's work in Kenya, for one, when my only experience of being abroad was a weekend in France for my 21st birthday! And coming from a small village in Lincolnshire to marry an American - well, that was really rather daring 😏
Some daring vintage photos stuck on pages that were pretty much already decorated.
And then thoughts of how daring it must have been to traverse the oceans aboard the Mayflower, and this wonderful poem clipped from an old We'moon diary:
Sonnet for the Girl Gods
They said girls couldn't,
but I longed to be a god.
I grew into my power,
and became Her.
Smart with heart, girl gods
don't make war.
Still, it hurts,
watching the world fade -
I'm glad I'm god since
I'll have to make another. 
Being girl enough
for the work

takes every bit of me.
Still, a god's got to do it.
Susa Silvermarie (2013)

And on the right-hand page, some stickers 'Dare to be different' and 'Courage', and an old postcard with these words of Mother Teresa's:

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.

Do share any daring adventures you've been on, either in the comments below, or in the group.

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